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Tom Kutzen’s

Press and Featured Articles

Read more about Tom Kutzen as well as his experience and expertise through his press and featured articles.

How to Know the Money Market

The money market is a marketplace where banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions trade their excess cash. The term “excess cash” refers to a financial institution’s cash.


Unforeseen Events Need Forward Planning

Unforeseen events need forward planning, such as a CEO’s untimely death or an abrupt termination. Typically, a list of probable successors to a head’s job is prepared. But what about succession planning strategies?

Boosting Your Business’s Brand Awareness Through PR Strategy | Tom Kutzen | Entrepreneurship

Public relations (PR) is vital to any successful marketing campaign. It can help boost a company’s sales and improve its customer relationships. In addition to providing effective advertising, PR also helps build consumer trust. Understanding what it is and how it can be done effectively are essential factors you should consider when planning a successful campaign .


What Could Ruin Your Financial Planning | Tom Kutzen

Staying Financial Stable in Retirement | Tom Kutzen | Finance & Financial Literacy

A Bear Market: What You Need to Know | Tom Kutzen

Keeping Track of Your Competitors to Improve Your Business | Tom Kutzen

How to Fund Your Startup | Tom Kutzen

Tom Kutzen | Boosting Your Business’s Brand Awareness Through PR Strategy

Public relations (PR) is vital to any successful marketing campaign. It can help boost a company’s sales and improve its customer relationships. In addition to providing effective advertising, PR also helps build consumer trust. Understanding what it is and how it can be done effectively are essential factors you should consider when planning a successful campaign.

How to Invest in Bitcoin | Tom Kutzen

Investing in Bitcoin is not necessarily the easiest, most straightforward process. If you are ready to take the following steps with an investment yourself, there are a few things investors need to understand.

Tom Kutzen | Staying Financial Stable in Retirement

One of the most frightening things about retiring from work is the end of your regular paycheck. Having a hard time saving for your retirement may seem like a daunting task. Before you retire, you must understand how much money you need to save to make informed decisions and avoid running into a dead end.

Knowing When Your Business Idea is a Good Idea | Tom Kutzen

Entrepreneurs are famous for being the ones that come up with brilliant business ideas (and run with them). But how does one know when they’ve come up with a good idea? That can be the tricky part of this path of life.

Finance Advice for Entrepreneurs | Tom Kutzen

Being an entrepreneur is hard enough, especially when it comes to creating new products and managing teams. The lack of financial literacy has been an issue for many entrepreneurs, as they typically cannot afford to take on risks. If you’re just starting and cannot afford the level of services that you might need, you might as well start hitting the books.

How to Improve Your Portfolio Skills | Tom Kutzen

Managing a portfolio is an essential part of financial growth. Contrary to popular belief, portfolio management is available to any level of investors, not just financial advisors and experts.

Taper Time, More Questions Than Answers By Tom Kutzen /

Talk and expectations for a change in monetary policy are in the air. The policy members plan at an unknown date to taper the volume of the Fed’s bond purchases, perhaps shrinking their balance sheet as their previously purchased bonds mature and roll off. What are the implications?

The Three Pillars Of Sound Financial Planning

When managing personal finances, it’s important to not lose sight of the basics.   Without a sound foundation and an organized approach, it can be easy to get distracted by so-called “get-rich” schemes or let spending get out of control.   

Inflation Now: To Be Or Not To Be?

One thing is clear following the pandemic. There is pent-up demand for everything from “revenge-travel” to consumer spending on consumables in spite of shortages on materials that impede production and distribution. In spite of a spike in consumer prices, the Fed is so far holding firm on its belief that the current inflation is transitory. But, investors should beware.

Know the money market and you will have a good lead on finance

It all starts with keeping an eye on the money markets. This has been true ever since I spent time on a money markets trading floor as a rookie right through my more sophisticated days managing a fund and working on the investment committee for an endowment. Strains in the financial system show up in the most liquid markets.

How A Strong FICO Strategy Can Help Open Doors to Financial Stability

One of the important steps in managing your personal financial matters is understanding and managing your FICO scores. Here are a few components that can assist you. MyFICO is a helpful resource, and this article makes use of some of the material.

Crypto, or a Diamond is Forever?

Are Crypto Currencies here to stay? The invention of a digital currency is certainly  a fantastic development. There are significant pluses to a market for new breeds of currencies. Bitcoin is the most established so far. Listed below (at the end of this post)  are two articles that help define the mechanics and utility of using bitcoin, the most advanced digital currency in terms of participation.